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Логотип телеграм спільноти - ББС Небесна Кара 54 ОМБр
Офіційний канал Батальйону Безпілотних Систем Небесна Кара, 54 ОМБр Наше гасло: "Зло - має бути покарано! Ворог - має бути знищений!" Приєднуйтесь до нас, підримуйте нас! Більше донатів - більше контенту! Дякуємо! Зворотній зв'язок: bbcnk54@gmail.com
Логотип телеграм спільноти - STERNENKO
Сергій Стерненко🇺🇦 Волонтерські картки: 4441114454997899 моно 5168745030910761 приват ❗️Не ведіться на шахраїв, нікому не пишу, не прошу гроші, поповнити рахунок чи щось купити. Усі збори на армію публічні. Російська мова у коментах заборонена.

Статистика telegram каналу - @europeancommission

Логотип телеграм спільноти - European Commission 2021-07-25

European Commission

Кількість підписників:
Новини та ЗМІ
🇪🇺Official Telegram channel of the European Commission 🇺🇦Офіційний телеграм-канал Єврокомісії More here: ec.europa.eu/eu-stands-with-ukraine

Кількість підписників

День: +2
Тиждень: +10
Місяць: +12
9 402

Середній перегляд на повідомлення

День: +1400
Тиждень: +2724
ERR: 36.41%
ERR (24): 14.89%
Середній за 30 днів:
3 423

Історія змін лого

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Одине з зображень історіі логотипів цієї спільноти
Одине з зображень історіі логотипів цієї спільноти

Історія змін назви

Поки що змін не зафіксовано

Історія зміни типу аккаунта

Поки що змін не зафіксовано

Історія зміни статуса

Офіційно підтверджена
Офіційно не підтверджена
Офіційно підтверджена
Офіційно не підтверджена
Офіційно підтверджена
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Офіційно підтверджена
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Офіційно підтверджена
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Офіційно підтверджена
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Офіційно підтверджена
Офіційно не підтверджена
Офіційно підтверджена
Офіційно не підтверджена

Стіна канала European Commission - @europeancommission

🇪🇺💬“In March, we successfully connected Ukraine to our electricity grid. It was initially planned for 2024. But we did it within two weeks.
And today, Ukraine is exporting electricity to us. I want to significantly expand this mutually beneficial trade.
We have already suspended import duties on Ukrainian exports to the EU.
We will bring Ukraine into our European free roaming area. And building on all that, the Commission will work with Ukraine to ensure seamless access to the Single Market. And vice-versa.
Our Single Market is one of Europe's greatest success stories. Now it's time to make it a success story for our Ukrainian friends, too
President von der Leyen during the State of the Union address.
European Commission #StandWithUkraine
22-09-14 09:08
❗️🇪🇺 What’s next for the EU: State of the European Union 2022
State Of The European Union (or #SOTEU) is an annual speech delivered by the President of the European Commission before the plenary of the European Parliament in Strasbourg.
💬It is the chance for President von der Leyen to recall achievements of the past year, address the most pressing challenges of our time, and propose ideas for shaping the future of the EU.
The SOTEU address will be followed by a plenary debate with Members of the European Parliament.
🗓 The speech will be broadcast live in Ukrainian on our Telegram channel tomorrow, 14 September at 09:00 CET. You can watch the speech in English on all EC accounts on other platforms.
More information about the event and the streaming link are available 👉 here.
European Commission #StandWithUkraine
22-09-13 09:45
🇺🇦Ми мобілізували нашу економічну міць, як ніколи раніше.
Європейські санкції далекосяжні та завдають колосальної збитків Кремлю і його здатності вести війну. Путін сам це визнав.
І з часом ці збитки будуть лише зростати.
Єврокомісія #українською | Підписатись
22-09-12 14:50
🇪🇺The majority of Europeans support the measures taken by the EU in response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
The is confirmed by the latest Eurobarometer poll, the flagship EU-wide public opinion survey of the European Commission.
78% of citizens support EU economic sanctions against Russia.
Almost 7 in 10 are in favour of financing the supply and delivery of military equipment to Ukraine.
More about the views and concerns of EU citizens in the latest edition of Eurobarometer
👉 europa.eu/!VvwxCG
European Commission #StandWithUkraine
22-09-11 13:13

It is with deep sadness that I have learned of the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
She was the world’s longest serving Head of State and one of the most respected personalities worldwide.
I offer my heartfelt condolences to the Royal Family and the British people.
She witnessed war and reconciliation in Europe and beyond, and deep transformations of our planet and societies.
She was a beacon of continuity throughout these changes, never ceasing to display a calmness and dedication that gave strength to many.
May she rest in peace.

«З глибоким сумом я дізналася про смерть Її Величності королеви Єлизавети II.
Вона була найдовше на посаді глави державиі та однією з найбільш шанованих особистостей у всьому світі.
Висловлюю щирі співчуття королівській сім'ї та британському народові.
Вона була свідком війни і примирення в Європі і за її межами, а також глибоких перетворень нашої планети і суспільств.
Вона була маяком безперервності протягом цих змін, ніколи не переставала демонструвати спокій і відданість, які давали сили багатьом.
Нехай вона спочиває з миром.
President Ursula von der Leyen

22-09-08 19:00
⚡️🇪🇺 Today we are proposing to provide Ukraine with an additional €5 billion in macro-financial assistance.
This is on top of the €10 billion the EU already provided in financial, humanitarian and military aid.
European Commission #StandWithUkraine
22-09-07 10:15
🇪🇺To be a tourist in the EU is not a fundamental right.
Today, the European Commission has proposed to fully suspend the EU's Visa Facilitation Agreement with Russia.

This means that Russian citizens will no longer enjoy privileged access to the EU and face a lengthier, more expensive and more difficult visa application process.
The proposal was further detailed during the press conference by Ylva Johansson, the European Commissioner for Home Affairs.
In practice, it will lead to the following:
The visa fee will increase from €35 to €80 for all Russian applicants.
The standard deadline for consulates to take a decision on visa applications will increase from 10 to 15 days (with the maximum of 45 days in individual cases).
Applicants will no longer have easy access to visas valid for multiple entries to the Schengen area.
Applicants will have to submit the full list of documentary evidence when applying for a visa.
The EU will remain open to certain categories of Russian visa applicants travelling for essential purposes, including notably family members of EU citizens, journalists, dissidents and civil society representatives.
The Commission is also presenting today a proposal on the non-recognition of Russian passports issued in occupied areas of Ukraine.
Russia should not qualify for visa facilitations as long as it continues conducting its destructive military aggression towards Ukraine
European Commission #StandWithUkraine
22-09-06 16:16
💬🇪🇺President von der Leyen:
Glad to welcome Ukrainian Prime-Minister @Denys_Smyhal
While Ukraine progresses on the EU path, we are integrating our economies.
I welcome today's decisions at the Association Council:
Participation of Ukraine in Digital Europe
Funding for education, housing, agriculture
Cooperation on customs & tax
The situation on the ground in Ukraine still requires our unabated support.
On top of the €10 billion we have provided so far, we will propose an additional €5 billion in macro-financial assistance this week.
The EU will be by Ukraine’s side, for as long as it takes.
European Commission #StandWithUkraine
22-09-05 18:01

"Gazprom’s announcement this afternoon that it is once again shutting down Nord Stream-1 under fallacious pretenses is another confirmation of its unreliability as a supplier.
It’s also proof of Russia’s cynicism, as it prefers to flare gas instead of honoring contracts."
Chief Spokesperson of the European Commission
European Commission on Telegram

22-09-02 18:24
🇺🇦 On September 1 Ukraine celebrates the Day of Knowledge as children all over the country go to school for the first time after their summer break.
Due to Russia's barbaric invasion of Ukraine, this year is different as hundreds of thousands of kids have had to flee the country.
As of today, more than 500 thousand Ukrainian children have already been integrated in the school systems in the EU countries.
📌9.9 million crossed the border of the EU from Ukraine and Moldova, 8.6 million of which – citizens of Ukraine
📌5.8 million Ukrainians returned from the EU to Ukraine
📌7 million internally displaced persons in Ukraine
📌4.1 million received temporary protection
📌25 200 received asylum
Read our weekly updates on Ukrainian refugees in the EU 👉 europa.eu/!RvymxF
European Commission #StandWithUkraine
22-09-01 17:06