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Логотип телеграм спільноти - Zvedeno.info 2021-08-01


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Канал Zvedeno.info - @zvedeno - №9090

are no destructions or victims;
– Odesa Reg. Milit. Admin. – there are emergency power outages in Odesa city and Odesa district;
– it happened due to an accident and a fire at the energy facility of NPC “Ukrenergo”;
– the Prime Minister of Ukraine – within a day, all powerful generators that are in the Ministry of Energy will be brought to Odesa;
– a 25 MW American gas turbine power plant should also be transported to the city;
– Mariupol City Hall – school leaders were instructed to check schoolchildren’s phones daily;
– looking for pro-Ukrainian content;
– the FSB is trying to find a data leak from Mariupol;
– they suspect that parents use their children’s gadgets to transfer data;
– all Protestant and non-Orthodox churches in Mariupol are now banned;
– Melitopol City Hall – the occupiers have run out of “gingerbread” for residents of the occupied territories;
– invaders limit their access to social and humanitarian aid;
– shortened the list of recipients of rubber assistance, reduced its number;
– to receive some types of financial assistance, a passport of the Russian Federation is already required;
– at the same time, they increase the pressure on the residents of the occupied territories;
– they forced people to obtain passports of the Russian Federation;
– they also restrict access to information;
– mass media – another large exchange of prisoners took place;
– 116 Ukrainian defenders came back home in exchange for 63 Russians;
– the bodies of 2 foreign volunteers and a Ukrainian volunteer were also returned;
– Ministry of Defense of Ukraine – we need a “tank coalition” with tanks of NATO countries for a counteroffensive;
– we will use them as a “steel fist”;
– our General Staff will decide in which place to do it;
– US Attorney General – we authorized the first ever transfer of confiscated assets of the Russian Federation;
– they will be transferred to Ukraine for use;
– these assets appeared after the indictment of oligarch Malofeev for evading sanctions;
– the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine – since last year, the Russians have killed 231 Ukrainian athletes and coaches;
–15 were also injured, 28 were detained, and 4 went missing;
– this genocidal war was ordered by Putin, but carried out by ordinary Russians;
– the IOC should stop trying to cover the Russian Federation crimes with white flags.
​​​​— — —
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Автор: Андрій Б.
Перекладач: Ольга Ш.
Коректор: Ольга Ш.

23-02-05 00:03