Повідомлення telegram каналу - @zefireng

Логотип телеграм спільноти - Zefir | English 2024-07-14

Zefir | English

Кількість підписників:
Твій гід у вивченні англійської 💙затишний блог,що закохає тебе в англійську 💙простими словами про важкі теми 📍Співпраця: @aandreykiv

Канал Zefir | English - @zefireng - №1564

Fish idioms
🪼A fish out of water
– a person in a completely unsuitable environment or situation
🖇He doesn't look comfortable in the group at all. He must feel like a fish out of water
🪼A big fish in a small pond – a person who is important only within a small field or group
🖇You should move to a smaller company so you can be a big fish in a small pond
🪼A fine kettle of fish – the situation where there is discomfort, annoyance, difficulty, or displeasure
🖇After breaking up with Rose, she found herself in a fine kettle of fish
🪼All is fish that comes to the net – action of utilizing anything and everything possible by a person to complete a specific task
🖇He took all types of courses to get his dream job, and he succeeded because he is a fish that comes to the net
🪼Cold fish – someone who is pretty unmoved by any emotion
🖇He acted like a cold fish at the first conference, but he is quite cheerful in person
#idioms #vocabulary
Зображення до поточного посту у каналі "Zefir | English" - @zefireng
24-07-28 08:22