Логотип телеграм спільноти - Сергій Притула
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Логотип телеграм спільноти - ББС Небесна Кара 54 ОМБр
Офіційний канал Батальйону Безпілотних Систем Небесна Кара, 54 ОМБр Наше гасло: "Зло - має бути покарано! Ворог - має бути знищений!" Приєднуйтесь до нас, підримуйте нас! Більше донатів - більше контенту! Дякуємо! Зворотній зв'язок: bbcnk54@gmail.com
Логотип телеграм спільноти - Bitcoin, інвестування, гроші - Лінивий CRYPTO інвестор
Підписуйся на канал Frontend Shinobi, щоб отримувати найсвіжіші техніки, поради та інструменти для веб-розробників. Хочеш бути в тренді? Хочеш створювати стильні сайти та веб-додатки? Тоді тобі точно сюди!
Логотип телеграм спільноти - STERNENKO
Сергій Стерненко🇺🇦 Волонтерські картки: 4441114454997899 моно 5168745030910761 приват ❗️Не ведіться на шахраїв, нікому не пишу, не прошу гроші, поповнити рахунок чи щось купити. Усі збори на армію публічні. Російська мова у коментах заборонена.

Статистика telegram каналу - @notatky

Логотип телеграм спільноти - χаотичні нотатки 2021-11-08

χаотичні нотатки

Кількість підписників:
by @oleksandr_now. see @linkstream as well

Кількість підписників

День: -1
Тиждень: -1
Місяць: -2

Середній перегляд на повідомлення

День: +106
Тиждень: +56
ERR: 58.26%
ERR (24): 74.65%
Середній за 30 днів:

Історія змін лого

Поки що змін не зафіксовано

Історія змін назви

Поки що змін не зафіксовано

Історія зміни типу аккаунта

Поки що змін не зафіксовано

Історія зміни статуса

Офіційно не підтверджена

Стіна канала χаотичні нотатки - @notatky

skipping Advent of Code this year, sorry.

24-12-01 13:29

There's quite a difference between losing someone suddenly and watching them slip away gradually. Yet both make it painfully obvious just how illusory and fleeting everything in this world truly is.
It's all a dream, a fever dream.

24-07-23 22:56

Everybody posts about OpenAI because that's what they can play with, nobody posts about NVIDIA (thinking "they just produce chips"?)
Meantime NVIDIA: psst, we're a full-stack AI-augmented company already
I mean, they have the SHORTEST feedback loop AND cheapest compute. Watch them.

23-11-16 05:52

macbook power management is funny sometimes. or is this just a latent QA syndrome?

23-11-11 07:49

I like OpenAI. They push me out of the "comfortably perfectionistic zone" by making stuff I'm writing obsolete if it lingers for weeks, not for years, lol. Which makes me attend to my own work more!
Market is the best teacher. And a great proof that it's important both to move fast and to publish often.
- they improved Function Calling a lot
- I've made a previous (lol) version of FC with LLaMA models about a month ago, works fairly well, unlike what MemGPT authors say. Runs MemGPT as well! Need to stop worrying it's buggy and publish.
- using it to build an "automatic code-writer" which is doing its first steps, but I need to find a way to iterate on it even faster (as I can devote about a hour per day max to this stuff)
- looking at the results I believe 8k context might be already enough to get an agent to meaningfully self-edit but I need to write quite a lot of code to cover the 100K -> 8K gap. Summarizing existing code is hard!

23-11-07 09:26

squirrel institute strikes back

23-11-04 15:07

Oh, i got it.
Learning about nature gives me joy and excitement.
Learning about people gives me suffering as it reminds me of my traumas the more I heal my memory and recall all that pain.
And my adhd is basically trying to indiscriminately attend to other people too much as I absolutely hate to behave like people who ignored me and steamrolled over at the time.
So the belief that kills the perseverance is not (only) "to focus is dangerous" as the therapists suggest, it's "to focus means people will suffer if I do" which discourages and bleeds me dry.
Hence to attend and comfort is both safe and honorable, and letting go is both dangerous and disgusting.
But attending to everyone and trying to always understand and explain myself (or hide if that seems unrealistic) does not make sense as I spread my efforts thin.
Hence i should resolve/accept/rewrite the memory of my past, and accept the suffering of others first.

23-10-30 07:30

AI doomers are born from nightmares of robots playing zero-sum games as those are the only games the doomers remember.
This includes both the power-hungry grifters and all the creators wrecked by the grifters, unfortunately.

23-10-29 09:50