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Логотип телеграм спільноти - LifeIsYourArt 2021-10-13


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Канал LifeIsYourArt - @lifeisyourart - №61

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R e d i s c o v e r y
one long thankful and pathetic feedback by Anabell Sotelo Ramires, ProEnglish Theatre director and actress :)
Pretty much it is all about belief. Science, Religion, Economics, Politics, War. Yes, especially War. It is existing only because we believe it must.
We, beautiful humanity, have made so much emphasis on our racional logical exciting that we didn’t even notice how the critical thinking betrayed us. And oops we did it again, created myths that are so tempting to believe. And the trap closed as it usually does when ideas are confronted and one more war had begun.
Only this time, I was placed in there, as all the Ukrainians, looking in the eye of a storm.
I honestly believed that russian terrorists won’t mess with us. I believed in the mysterious notion of “21 century”, “civilization” and “we are not in the Middle Ages” things.
And yes, predictably, I don’t believe in it anymore. And I’ve never felt so liberated. Nevertheless, there is so much fear, so much death, so much grief and emptiness that you need to do something. If not to believe than…?
Since Feb 24 every day was an attempt to find this action. That would be natural as the plant opening its flower to the sun and in the same time smart as a the formula of nuclear bomb. I’ll make the story short here, the answer came pretty quickly, Art is the action I was looking for.
And during 3 months I took a path to rediscover all the meanings of it. And the play we did for the War. Ukraine. Text. 2.0 with Madeleine Bongard was a final dot in this journey. The most beautiful and inspiring culmination as one could possibly imagine.
Medeleine started the work placing herself against the created frame: instead of believing in the rules she made a choice based on something that has a different nature: trust and will. Trust to the creation process. Will of the actors to come to her workshop, will to randomly take pieces of the Vladimir Serdiuk’s big and sensitive novel, will of meeting everyday in zoom during 10 days.
It was a theory confirmed in practice: ART is Magic, and Magic is Nature that works together with Human Will. That is an exact description of what had happened to us. Of how and when and why the show was born.
When on the day of the performance there were explosions in Kyiv, we all, all the team of actors, directors, playwrights, technicians, audience, we all performed Art. Magic. As it is. Pure and palpable. And so strong that it changed the density of a chemical structure of everything around and everyone around. It was natural as a sun touching a flower and not less powerful as that bombs exploding. Only it was made for humans, not against them.
“No idea is worth dying for. No idea is worth killing for” we whispered. And all the living creatures vibrated with us, all the hearts pulsating in the rhythm of the metronome we placed on the stage.
I know that this performance wasn’t completely about us. It’s about the New World that wants to be born and shows itself in the places where there are no blind beliefs, where people are open to discover and rediscover, where ART, Love and Magic are welcomed. Where Medeleine is looking at us and notices that and we noticed that ad well looking at her. And boom. The new world suddenly smiles in reply. Just like that.
Thank you for doing that. For being that person that comes in the right moment to the right place and attracts the right people and leads bravely and honestly.
I’ll keep that in my heart as long as I’ll be able to remember.
Ukraine is a border land. Not between russia and Europe. But between past and future.
And as artists, it’s the only thing we can and should do: manifest the future by rediscovering past and openly living the present.
And eventually, Ukraine will win and future will come.
I don’t believe in it.
I perform it.
Thank you, Madeleine, for teaching me that.

22-07-21 09:15