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Логотип телеграм спільноти - Intel Slava Ukraini | #Укр_Тґ ✙ 2021-06-04

Intel Slava Ukraini | #Укр_Тґ ✙

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Канал Intel Slava Ukraїni | #Укр_Тґ ✙ - @intelslavaua - №17263

The number of road accidents is increasing in Mariupol. The reason is the lack of traffic lights and road markings. And the imported russians do not follow safety rules, and there are almost no patrols on the roads.
For example, in the Central District of Mariupol, a 14-year-old teenager drove a VAZ-21063 car without adult permission. There is no police patrol, so no one even stopped him.
The guy on Metalurgiv Avenue collided with another car that was moving from behind in the same direction. As a result of the accident, the teen driver was injured and taken to the hospital.
In the Kalmius district of Mariupol, a bus driver ran over a 56-year-old man. The pedestrian was taken to the hospital.
Lawlessness and lack of security are what the occupiers brought to Mariupol. Before the invasion, the city had a high-level police force, thanks to which Mariupol was among the safest cities in Ukraine
23-09-08 15:06