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Логотип телеграм спільноти - Intel Slava Ukraini | #Укр_Тґ ✙ 2021-06-04

Intel Slava Ukraini | #Укр_Тґ ✙

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Канал Intel Slava Ukraїni | #Укр_Тґ ✙ - @intelslavaua - №16984

Chief Intelligence Directorate: in the occupied Energodar, there was an explosion in the riot police headquarters
On August 28, another explosion rang out in the temporarily occupied Energodar. As a result of the operation of the local resistance movement, coordinated by the CID of the MoS of Ukraine, the improvised barracks of the rosguard riot police unit Akhmat-1 was damaged. After the occupation of the city, the kadyrovites seized and converted the building on the street for their needs. 46 Budivelnykiv Street, where the local branch of one of the Ukrainian banks used to be located.
At 09:50 an explosion occurred at the specified address. As a result, the personnel of the occupiers and cars parked in the yard were injured. A fire started in the room. Fire brigades and ambulances arrived at the scene. Currently, the information on the number of killed and wounded tiktokers is being clarified.
There are no victims or injured among the civilian population.
After a series of explosions, the occupiers urgently evacuated the local military-civilian administration. Currently, searches are undergoing in Energodar and access to the Internet is limited

23-08-28 13:37