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Логотип телеграм спільноти - Intel Slava Ukraini | #Укр_Тґ ✙ 2021-06-04

Intel Slava Ukraini | #Укр_Тґ ✙

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Канал Intel Slava Ukraїni | #Укр_Тґ ✙ - @intelslavaua - №14595

June 4.
Day of commemoration of children who died due to russia's war against Ukraine.
Russian missiles, mines, shells, and bullets took the lives of 484 Ukrainian children. Long 467 days – every day of this war takes away our Ukrainian child.
According to official data, 998 children were injured. 389 are missing. 19,505 were deported to russia.
These terrible numbers do not even come close to conveying the situation that actually happened. Our hearts will be squeezed for a long time from the pain and despair that the russians caused us by taking away our children. Our future.
Children, under bleach and concrete remains of the Mariupol Drama Theater. Burned alive in Bakhmut. Brutally killed in Bucha. Destroyed schools, kindergartens, lyceums: the whole of Ukraine suffered at the hands of the russians. From the hands of our greatest enemy.
As the father of a daughter who will be 7 years old soon, I cry every time I hear the news about our dead children.
We remember. Let's take revenge. We will win. Retribution is coming soon.

23-06-04 14:01