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Логотип телеграм спільноти - Intel Slava Ukraini | #Укр_Тґ ✙ 2021-06-04

Intel Slava Ukraini | #Укр_Тґ ✙

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Канал Intel Slava Ukraїni | #Укр_Тґ ✙ - @intelslavaua - №13185

Remind that in 2022, the Security Service of Ukraine launched complex counter-intelligence and security measures (more than 40) in the church environment of the UOC, which took place to stop the destructive activities of the pro-russian clergy. As a result of measures taken by the SSU, 61 criminal proceedings were initiated against 61 clerics. In total, the courts have already issued 7 verdicts against individual clerics who sided with the enemy, including 2 of them were used in exchange for our servicemen.
According to the materials of the special service, sanctions were introduced against 17 officials of the UOC, and almost 250 clerics of the ROC were banned from entering Ukraine.
Also, the citizenship of Ukraine was terminated for 19 clergymen of the UOC, 2 citizens of the aggressor country were forced to return to the country of origin.
Emphasize that in its activities the SSU adheres to the principle of impartiality towards the activities of any religious denomination and respects the right of every citizen to freedom of worldview and religion, as defined by the Constitution of Ukraine

23-04-01 12:03