Повідомлення telegram каналу - @books_and_more_books

Логотип телеграм спільноти - 📚1000 + 1 книга/books 2024-07-14

📚1000 + 1 книга/books

Кількість підписників:
Про книги - так, як відчуваю саме я. Про письменників - не обов'язково відомих, але тих, хто мені подобається. Про історії - сумні, веселі, і ті, які не залишають байдужими. На зв'язку @Maryna_Klymenko

Канал 1000 + 1 книга/books - @books_and_more_books - №1411

🍂 To a tee - to do something perfectly or exactly as intended. It suggests that every detail has been executed flawlessly. - до дрібниць, точно так як планувалося.
e.g. He practiced his speech until he could deliver it to a tee without any mistakes.
🍂 Go full pelt - to go as fast as possible or to put in maximum effort into something. - на повну швидкість, з усією силою
e.g. He decided to go full pelt on his studies to prepare for the upcoming exams
🍂 To run someone/something to ground - to track down or locate someone or something after a long and determined search. - знайти після довгих пошуків
e.g. After a long search, they finally managed to run the missing dog to ground in the nearby woods.
🍂 To carry the can - to take the blame or responsibility for something that has gone wrong, even if it wasn't entirely your fault. - брати на себе відповідальність/провину
e.g. After the project failed, John was left to carry the can for the team's mistakes.
🍂 On the money - something is exactly right, accurate, or correct. - правильно, в точку
e.g. His prediction about the weather was right on the money; it rained just as he said it would.
🍂 City slicker - a person who is fashionable, sophisticated, and accustomed to urban life but may not be familiar with rural or country living. - міський житель, стиляга
e.g. Everyone laughed at her city slicker outfit when she showed up to the camping trip in high heels and a designer jacket.
🍂 Bits and bobs - small, various items or tasks that are not very significant on their own. - різні речі, дрібниці
e.g. The garage was filled with bits and bobs from past projects, making it hard to find what I needed.
🍂 A straight arrow - a person who is honest, trustworthy, and behaves in a morally upright way. - порядна і чесна людина
e.g. Even though she faced pressure to cheat, she remained a straight arrow and refused to compromise her values.
🍂 No flies on someone - someone is clever, alert, and not easily deceived or tricked. - людина, яку важко обдурити
e.g. The detective was known for his sharp instincts—there were no flies on him when it came to solving cases.
🍂 A doddle - something that is very easy to do or accomplish. - легка справа
e.g. He thought the project would be challenging, but it turned out to be a complete doddle.
24-10-07 17:06